And now, here's a soothing musical interlude......

Art Caplan

Art Caplan Profile Photo

Prior to coming to NYU, Dr. Caplan was the Sidney D. Caplan Professor of Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine in Philadelphia, where he created the Center for Bioethics and the Department of Medical Ethics. He has also taught at the University of Minnesota, where he founded the Center for Biomedical Ethics; the University of Pittsburgh; and Columbia University. He received his PhD from Columbia University.

Dr. Caplan is the author or editor of 35 books and more than 800 papers in peer reviewed journals. His most recent books are Vaccination Ethics and Policy (MIT Press, 2017, with Jason Schwartz) and Getting to Good: Research Integrity in Biomedicine (Springer, 2018, with Barbara Redman).

He has served on a number of national and international committees including as chair of the National Cancer Institute Biobanking Ethics Working Group; chair of the Advisory Committee to the United Nations on Human Cloning; and chair of the Advisory Committee to the Department of Health and Human Services on Blood Safety and Availability. He has also served on the Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Illnesses; the Special Advisory Committee to the International Olympic Committee on Genetics and Gene Therapy; the Special Advisory Panel to the National Institutes of Mental Health on Human Experimentation on Vulnerable Subjects; the Wellcome Trust Advisory Panel on Research in Humanitarian Crises; and as the co-director of the Joint Council of Europe/United Nations Study on Trafficking in Organs and Body Parts.

Dr. Caplan has served since 2015 as a chair of the Compassionate Use Advisory Committees (CompAC), independent groups of internationally recognized medical experts, bioethicists, and patient representatives that advise Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen Pharmaceuticals on requests for compassionate use of its investigational medicines.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, he is co-directing an advisory group on sports and recreation for the U.S. Conference of Mayors, created a working group on coronavirus vaccine challenge studies, developed an ethical framework for distributing drugs and vaccines for J&J, and helped develop rationing policies for NYU Langone Health and many other health systems. He is a member of the WHO advisory committee on COVID-19, ethics, and experimental drugs/vaccines, and he helped set policy for WIRB/WCG for research studies. He was an adviser to Moderna, Inc., and he serves on the NCAA COVID-19 Medical Advisory Group.

Dec. 31, 2024

The Musical Innertube - Volume 2, Number 170 - Art Caplan's 2024-25 Medical Ethics Review

For Hannukah, we asked bioethicist Art Caplan seven things he'd like to see happen in the world of medicine in 2025. His list includes wishes for cellphones and vaccines, along with several sci-fi Easter eggs.
Guest: Art Caplan
July 16, 2024

The Musical Innertube - Volume 2, Number 147 - Art Caplan on the 2024 Olympics

Bioethicist Art Caplan says there are a lot of health challenges at the Olympics, starting with swimming in the sewer that is the Seine River. Also, are we all ready for retirement?
Guest: Art Caplan
Dec. 26, 2023

The Musical Innertube - Volume 2, Number 120 - Art Caplan wraps up 2023

Ozempic is a drug intended to help diabetics. Is it okay to prescribe it for weight loss? Who's better equipped to handle abortions, doctors or legislators? Bioethicist Art Caplan looks at these and other medical issues
Guest: Art Caplan
Aug. 22, 2023

The Musical Innertube - Volume 2, Number 110 - Art Caplan and the Zombie Viruses

Climate change is causing permafrost to melt, unearthing things that have been frozen for hundreds of thousands of years.  Bio-ethicist Art Caplan says some of those things are viruses that we might have no way of combatting.
Guest: Art Caplan
May 30, 2023

The Musical Innertube - Volume 2, Number 102 - Art Caplan on the "official" end of COVID

The U.S. Government and the World Health Organization have officially declared an end to the COVID emergency. Bioethicist Art Caplan says we didn't seem to learn coping skills during the pandemic.
Guest: Art Caplan
Jan. 31, 2023

The Musical Innertube - Volume 2, Number 90 - Art Caplan Helps the UAE get Medical Ethics

And now, fresh from a history-making appearance in Dubai and Abu-Dhabi, it's bio-ethicist Art Caplan! Art's helping the United Arab Emirates develop ethical guidelines for an emerging health care sector.
Guest: Art Caplan
May 10, 2022

The Musical Innertube - Volume 2, Number 61 - Art Caplan calls for a U.S. Brexit

Bioethicist Art Caplan says the leaked Supreme Court opinion on Roe v. Wade might just lead to different states establishing different values. He says some Americans may not want to live in some of those states.
Guest: Art Caplan
Jan. 11, 2022

The Musical Innertube - Volume 2, Number 49 - Art Caplan on the Messages of COVID

How long to quarantine? Mask or no mask? Open schools or remote learning? Bioethicist Art Caplan answers all your COVID questions and says the messaging on COVID should be a little clearer and more direct.
Guest: Art Caplan
Oct. 26, 2021

The Musical Innertube - Volume 2, Number 39 - Art Caplan - Transplants and COVID

Halloween is coming, so naturally bio-ethicist Art Caplan is talking about cadavers!  And pig kidneys!  And COVID! Just what you need to kick off the fall holiday season!
Guest: Art Caplan
July 22, 2021

The Musical Innertube - Volume 2, Number 33 - Art Caplan COVID Update

Are you fully vaccinated? Art Caplan says you have to have BOTH shots. Should you mask up in the supermarket even if you've had both shots? Art Caplan says yes!
Guest: Art Caplan
May 13, 2021

The Musical Innertube - Volume 2, Number 28 - Art Caplan 3

John and Don re-unite with Art Caplan to get the hows and whys of vaccine hesitancy and herd immunity.
Guest: Art Caplan
Dec. 31, 2020

The Musical Innertube - Volume 2, Number 22 - Art Caplan 2

Bio-ethicist Art Caplan, like all of us, wants the pandemic to be over -- he's just not optimistic about that happening right away.
Guest: Art Caplan
Sept. 10, 2020

The Musical Innertube - Volume 2, Number 12 - Arthur Caplan

John and Don talk with bio-ethicist Art Caplan about how America is handling the COVID-19 pandemic.
Guest: Art Caplan