Start Fall the right way -- looking sharp in your Musical Innertube t-shirt! It's the perfect back-to-school fashion statement: you'll be the envy of the hallways, and you'll get better grades, because teachers will appreciate your good sense! (Well they should, anyway..)
We have a limited number of these beauties available to you FREE OF CHARGE! Here's all you have to do:
- Send us an email at
- Write "I want a t-shirt!" in the subject line
- In the body of the email, tell us your name, shirt size (small, medium, large, x-large, 2x-large) and shipping address
- (Don't worry, we'll cover the shipping charges)
- Wait by your mailbox every day until your t-shirt is delivered by your smiling postal delivery person!
See how easy it is? So, what are you waiting for? Send us an email at and get your fabulous t-shirt! And start turning heads wherever you go!